
a small park in met

When she heard that she cried when the winter without snow. ...

This story also was dates back to II years yiqian, because I of character comparison within, not love how talk, so dang I first times Internet of when that overwhelmed of looks to now I also fresh, I of first a users is she, I of class students is I later of girlfriend, in online we often chat, is no words not said of good friends, I within of character in online get has is good of release, however reality in the of we but are not know each other is he (she) own get along has years of students, such of days continued has 1 years, until one day of afternoon she in online with I chat has is long, we each other are very happy, this when she suddenly on I said: "we in online chat has so long time la, you has didn't wanted see I Ah? "When she said these words when, sitting in my stay at the other end of the computer, in fact, I have long wanted to see her, but I could not speak, she now come up, I would have agreed without demur, but when I promised her, I began to regret it, what if she hated me? What if she is lying to me? Total total if, in my mind, keep rolling, to leave our appointment only a few hours when I'm up your mind, go!! 'M going all out.

We about in we live of that city of a small park in met, in accordance with the online we of agreement, in met of when, I took a Zhang newspaper, she took magazine to was made known, soon we mutual found has each other, dang we met of when we are stunned has, I is surprised of found and own daily in together of students is that online chat of is speculation of users, I of face suddenly red has heartbeat also accelerated has, I stayed in there didn't talk is sorry of looks, is she first opening talk only break has deadlock: "How is you Ah? Don't love you didn't think reality, is also able to talk on the Internet! "I want to find a reason to leave, but I have fixed my steps, I had to bite the answered her:" in fact, I is not the case, but no one wants me, so I only SB "

Day we on has jiucai respective back, back Hou also is can't believe I of users will is she, is I dark love has is long time of girl, because I of character and all aspects of causes I open can't mouth didn't dare on she told I like she. She is we class of class spent is beautiful, so chasing she of men children many, however I but and they difference very far so I also on only dare in dream in the wanted to wanted to Toad wanted to eat Swan meat of "taste". However on in we became users Hou things occurred has is large of changes, since we know each other is own of users Hou, we of relationship began close has, in class Shang I also on only she a a people and I said talk, she results is good often taught I wrote job, we of contact also more has, on because such I heart is uncomfortable, to know and own like of people in together but and not can told she is how uncomfortable Ah, I day by day was tortured was.
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